aMbooo made of highland bamboo

Why choosing aMbooo bamboo for your new home or renovation is the wise choice.

Bamboo has many economic and ecological benefits and features
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    Bamboo, Wood

    Since it doesn’t need to be irrigated it’s a great water saver, produces more oxygen than a copse of trees the same size, is carbon neutral, and bamboo processing into useful fibers has less of an impact on the environment than other comparable fibers.

    Highland bamboo’s natural hardiness, combined with our processing to make decking and siding, means maintenance is a breeze and your home improvements will last much longer than wood!

    Our bamboo planking features a unique slip resistant surface – perfect for children, pets, and parties. When maintained with our wide range of products, aMbooo decking and siding is UV resistant- keeping your home looking beautiful.

    aMbooo bamboo decking and siding comes in a variety of beautiful finishes.

    Choose from Canyon Brown or White Oak, a pair which features the appearance of natural wood, or select from Granite Grey or Midnight Black for a more dramatic color.

    Every decking plank comes with two texture options: smooth and partly ribbed giving you a choice by simply deciding which side you want exposed. Whatever your look, aMbooo has something to complement your taste.

    Simple & Fast Installation

    Installation is easy due to features like tongue and groove ends and longitudinal groove, resulting in less waste than comparable products. It’s easy to care for your new bamboo decking and siding with our range of maintenance products, from oils and applicators to brushes and poles.

    With proper maintenance, your decking and siding will last for years with no fading, as eye catching and beautiful as the day it was installed.

    Decking substructure
    You can’t go wrong with aMbooo bamboo – we improve your home’s best features!

    aMbooo excels for use in hotel terraces and pool decks as well as private residences.

    Create an imposing entryway with aMbooo siding, or use it as a spectacular contrast to the rest of your house for an edgy modern look. Use complementary colors for a harmonious effect, warm up your deck or cool down your balcony with our vibrant colors.

    aMbooo matches well with any deck furniture, and makes deck plants, fountains, decor, and other outdoor features really pop.

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